Monday, October 30, 2017

Just wrong thinking

Have we ever been just stuck in wrong thinking? I know it is wrong, but it is what I though for years, and that view was promoted to me for years by various diet pushers. Eat when you are hungry. it is just wrong. Eat a small bits on schedule is a far better strategy. Hunger is a natural force that must be overcome.

We all have beliefs, and many of them are just wrong for me. I do not care what you believe, as that is your life, but do not try to push your beliefs on me. I am a card carrying atheist. I am also a person who has suffered all my life with a imposed eating disorder, that was trained into me as a small youth/child. It was just wrong. But that is what happened. I never realized that is what had happened until now.

So now it is time for me to change those views.

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