Saturday, November 5, 2011

Random Topic

From a comment on a site that I stumbled across

"I often believe heavy karmic loads are what make nice people. That being said, I don't believe in karma anymore. I think that bad things happen to people because bad things happen. We can learn and grow from them or not, but "God", in whatever form we conceptualize it is indifferent to or unaware of the consequences. "

I realized how much I have changed. At one time I felt that way. Now I realize that each have very different views, and it does not mater. Today, my view is:

Karma is a concept that was more true before communications were so easy and uniform; much has been brought about by travel, newspapers, and modern communication methods. Karma is the idea that in a stable community, our actions and personality affect how other treat us. Now we can change communities. We do not hang around people we do not like, and hang with people we relate to and like. Simple. But in modern society we are not stable, live in one "community", work in a different one, shop in a third. We through transportation and communications have lost "community" to some extent. Some live without much community at all via the internet.  Some of us have no community to speak of. Karma occurs in "community", hence karma does not have a impact on our lives.

Random accidents we have no control. But becoming targets is another matter. Some of the time, we attract the attention of the predator. Some of the time, we do something that attracts them, and they notice, and some of the time, something  happens. Violate traffic laws, and we get tickets. Flaunt wealth and get robbed. Nice cars get stolen. Leave a car unlocked with the keys, and it will be gone. Eat carbohydrates, we get fat. Dress like a hooker and stuff happens.  It takes all three, the action, the predator, and noticing. And then, some of the time the predator just does random strikes.

To me, god is a concept, an idea, a belief system, a value system, a meme system. It has no knowledge, no return communications. All we can do is learn, avoid, embrace, or other method of surviving, or adjust to the new reality, what ever that may be.

That's it for now. Cross talk is allowed here.

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